Connector Prototype Update: Soloss and the Losstender Role

Since May of 2020, Recover has been participating in a prototype led by REACH Edmonton and InWithForward. This prototype began with an aim of learning about how we can support more authentic connections between street-involved Edmontonians and the rest of the community. It has since evolved into broader discussion of grief and loss, and the desire to support healing conversations at both the individual and neighbourhood levels.

The Connector’s newest iteration, Soloss, exists to build our collective capacity to be with and bear witness to loss, opening-up space for reconciliation and healing. To help this work, the prototype team is testing a new role known as a Losstender.

Losstenders are every day Edmontonians who listen to and acknowledge experiences of grief & loss by creating and returning tangible products like songs, stories, choreography, art. Bringing loss out into the open can be a first step towards rewriting societal scripts about grief and Soloss models fresh ways of talking about and supporting each other with the tough stuff, and advocates for grief to be recognized and resourced.

The prototype team has just recruited the first group of Losstenders, and they are getting ready to head out and connect with community members - read one of the Losstender’s orientation letters to get a better sense of loss, Soloss and the Losstender Role.


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